School Improvement and Innovation Plan (SIIP)
Reading By 3rd Grade
Measurable Outcomes:
● By June 2025, the percentage of multilingual learners who pass the Reading SOL will increase 10%, moving from 44% to 54% (unadjusted scores)..
● By June 2025, the percentage of students in grade 3 who pass the Reading SOL will increase 5%, moving from 70% to 75% (unadjusted scores).
Students reading on grade level by the end of 3rd Grade.
Strategy 1
Improve integrity of implementation of new core curriculum, English Language Development program, and/or intervention programs by using FCPS-adopted resources with fidelity.
Strategy 2
Increase opportunities for English Language Development through use of embedded strategies during whole group instruction and intentional small group instruction focused on specific student needs.
Strategy 3
Increase opportunities for students to develop oral language through pair and small group structures thatpromote engagement.
Elementary School Math
● By June 2025, the percentage of students with disabilities who pass the Math SOL will increase 10%, moving from 34% to 44% (unadjusted).
● By June 2024, the percentage of students in grades 3-5 who pass the Math SOL will increase 14%, moving from 61% to 75% (unadjusted).
Successful completion of Algebra 1 by 8th Grade.
Strategy 1
Increase teachers' content knowledge and implementation of the 2023 FCPS mathematics program of studies.
Strategy 2
Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
Strategy 3
Increase teacher's implementation of strategies and conversation structures that increase academic talk between students related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.
Chronic Absenteeism
By the end of the 2024-25 school year, our chronic absenteeism rate for multilingual learners will decrease from 20% to below 15% as evidenced by our school’s chronic absenteeism data.
Increase student attendance and decrease absenteeism rates.
Strategy 1
MTSS Schoolwide and Site Intervention teams analyze attendance along with behavior and wellness data bi-monthly to identify students in need of Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions.
Strategy 2
Teachers will promote student engagement and create a welcoming classroom environment by modeling social and emotional competencies in their interactions with students.
Strategy 3
Schools will implement practices to recognize good and improved attendance to reinforce attendance and strengthen student and family engagement.