Inclusive Schools Week: Every Voice Matters
Beech Tree Elementary School is buzzing with excitement as they celebrate Inclusive Schools Week! Students and staff are coming together to embrace diversity, promote understanding, and build a more inclusive community. The school is adorned with colorful decorations, and classrooms are filled with activities that highlight the unique qualities of each individual. From cultural performances to friendship bracelets, students are learning to appreciate differences and celebrate similarities.
Beech Tree is showing it's support with a spirit week,

Day 1: What is Inclusion?
Theme: "Everyone is Different, and That's What Makes Us Special"
Kid-friendly Fact: "Inclusion means everyone is welcome, no matter what they can or can’t do. Everyone’s brain works a little differently, and that’s what makes the world an exciting place!"
Day 2: Understanding Learning Differences - Dyslexia & ADHD
Theme: "Different Brains, Different Ways of Learning"
Kid-friendly Fact: "Some kids learn to read in different ways, like those with Dyslexia, who may find reading tricky at first but can become strong readers with practice and support. Kids with ADHD may have lots of energy and find it hard to focus at times, but that energy helps them think creatively and come up with great ideas!"
Day 3: Autism - Seeing the World Differently
Theme: "Everyone’s Brain Works Differently!"
Kid-friendly Fact: ""People with Autism might prefer to play alone sometimes or have special interests they really love. They may not like loud noises or bright lights, but they have many talents and are amazing just the way they are!"
Day 4: Hearing and Sight Disabilities
Theme: "See the World in Different Ways"
Kid-friendly Fact: "Some people may have trouble hearing or seeing, but they use tools like hearing aids, cochlear implants, or sign language to communicate. People who are blind or have low vision might use Braille, a special way of reading with their fingers."
Day 5: Celebrating Our Differences - Final Day of Inclusion
Theme: "Everyone Has Something Special to Offer"
Kid-friendly Fact: "We all have different abilities, and each of us is special in our own way. When we’re kind and accepting, we help make the world a better place for everyone!"
Learn more about Inclusive Week and why it is important to practice in our schools.