Beech Tree Elementary Achieves Green Flag Certification from the National Wildlife Federation EcoSchools Program

By Mike Meyer
May 23, 2024

Leading by Example: Maddie Clear and the Green Club

Maddie Clear, our innovative STEAM teacher, has been instrumental in guiding Beech Tree Elementary to this achievement. Under her leadership, the Green Club, alongside STEAM students, has fostered a culture of environmental stewardship throughout the school. Their efforts have gone beyond the typical Earth Day celebrations, embedding a daily practice of observing and caring for the natural world into the school’s ethos.

Hands-On Environmental Education

One of the key highlights of Beech Tree’s journey to Green Flag certification has been the active participation of students in hands-on environmental projects. These projects include:

- School Yard Clean-Up: Students regularly clean the school yard, ensuring a litter-free environment that benefits both the community and local wildlife.
- Gardening Projects: Through gardening activities, students have learned about plant biology, ecosystems, and the importance of green spaces.
- Bird Feeders and Habitats: By creating bird feeders and animal homes from recycled materials, students have provided much-needed resources for local wildlife, demonstrating creativity and resourcefulness.
- Recycled Games: Inventive use of recycled materials to create games has not only been fun but also educational, teaching students about sustainability and waste reduction.

Creating Inviting Spaces

The combined efforts of the Green Club and STEAM students have transformed Beech Tree Elementary into an inviting space for both people and wildlife. The school yard now boasts beautiful gardens and thoughtfully placed bird feeders, creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

Recognized Excellence

The EcoSchools program commended Beech Tree Elementary for its exceptional work. Here’s what they had to say:

“Beech Tree's Green Club, along with students in STEAM, encouraged the whole school to spend time outside observing the natural world, not just on Earth Day, but every day. By cleaning the school yard, gardening, and creating bird feeders, they created inviting spaces for both people and the plants and animals in the community. Their use of recycled materials to create games and animal homes was inventive.”

Looking Ahead

We are immensely proud of the work accomplished this year and are excited for the future. The Green Flag certification is not just an award but a motivation to continue our efforts in environmental education and sustainability. We look forward to more innovative projects and greater student involvement in the coming school year.

Get Involved

We encourage the community to join us in our efforts. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please reach out to us via email at [email protected].

Congratulations once again to Maddie Clear, the Green Club, and all the students at Beech Tree Elementary for this remarkable achievement. Together, we are making a difference, one green step at a time.
