Staff Spotlight: Meet Our New Registrar

By Mike Meyer
November 03, 2022
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Ms. Sandra returns to Beech Tree Elementary  School as our new Registrar.  She is happy to help parents.

Meet our new Beech Tree Registrar, Sandra Merino.  Well not super new, she has been supporting us since summer.  Many of you already know her since she interacts with many parents in registering new students and collection of forms.


Sandra has been working for FCPS for 7 years and actually worked part time from 2014-2017 at Beech Tree ES.  She is happy to be back.  She loves the diversity of the school and helping the families feel welcome.  


Sandra attended Colegio San Jose in San Juan, Puerto Rico where she loved that the classrooms were beautiful and airy.


She is married and has two children, a son and daughter, that are both married.  She has one granddaughter.  She likes to walk and shop to relax. She believes that the way to get started is to stop talking and start doing.


Sandra speaks Spanish and loves to help parents.  We love having Sandra here to help us and keep our registration and grades perfecto!.  Say hello next time you visit Beech Tree Elementary School.